Blog 1: My Auto Biography

Hello everyone ! This is my first post on my blog, I hope you like it.

 I'm Francisca. I'm 18 years old, I was born in Santiago, Chile. All my life I have lived in downtown Santiago. 
I studied at Ozanam school for about 12 years. It's a Catholic school that is located in the center of Santiago. Fortunately I lived near it, so I slept late haha -I was late too-. I graduated from school last year - finally, I didn't like it-. And well, this year I decided to study architecture at the University of Chile. I was very excited to go to class but unfortunately the covid-19 prevented it -so sad-.
I live with my parents, sister and cat (and with many plants too). I love my family very much, they are very important to me.
To finish, I enjoy riding a bike, before quarantine I did it almost every day. I like photography, before I took photos with an analog camera, I did it for approximately two years, until I discovered that the compounds it uses for its operation were of animal origin; I am a vegan, I am very committed to that, I don't occupy anything of origin and derived from animals, I love and respect animals a lot, so taking analog photographs went totally against my principles, my belief. I love music, going to concerts is my favorite panorama. I'm a person who enjoys being away from home in general, although sometimes I love to stay home sleeping or watching movies, it's the best.

Thanks for reading my blog, see you soon.
